Boson’s Introduction by Justin Banon (Co-founder): Boson is a web3 decentralized commerce layer. They enable trust-minimized tokenization exchange of physical items using the combination of game theory and NFTs.
Unikura’s Introduction by Dice (Daisaku Harada): Based in Singapore and Japan. They tokenize real-world collectibles like trading cards, watches, and art. They just launched at the end of August.
Galileo Protocol’s Introduction by Pierre Beunardeau (Founder, CEO): From France, has been developing Galileo protocol for 2 years. Galileo is focused on using blockchain technology to show provenance and ownership of luxury items by using PNFT as identical representations, hence creating a tokenized luxury items market.
Pierre to Justin: What does Boson contribute to the RWA Market?
Justin: Boson is a very generic protocol. It has a wide range of applicability. Basically, It uses game theory and independent dispute resolvers to provide redeemable NFTs for items listed on the protocol.
Polytrade: How does Galileo Bring Luxury assets on-chain and what is it about your approach that makes it unique?
Pierre: We physically inspect the item and verify proof of acquisition (proof of legitimacy, purchase invoices, online data verification). Sometimes, there could be advanced forgery so we need intermediaries to inspect the items, It’s a time-intensive process.
Polytrade: How does Boson’s business model differ from other traditional platforms?
Justin: We tokenize assets and perform decentralized exchange. Verification of these items is important and varies on the type of item. At the economic level, we differ by removing intermediaries from e-commerce. Boson solves the fair exchange problem by being the piece of software that serves as the intermediary. It’s owned by the community and charges .5%, unlike Amazon which charges up to 40%.
Polytrade: Where do you see the future of e-commerce going with web2 integrations like woo commerce in web3?
Justin: It changes the whole economic scale and transaction landscape. We call it the computable economy.
Polytrade: Won’t there be logistics challenges if I want to tokenize and sell an asset from another jurisdiction? e.g Cocoa bean
Justin: There are people that sell cocoa beans from one country to another even currently without having to come in contact with them. All they buy are the rights to sell. Commercialization of tokenized goods makes ownership not encumbered by the need to physically have an inventory of tokenized goods.
Polytrade: How do you choose what assets to tokenize and how do you ascertain the authenticity and provenance of said assets?
Pierre: We get our luxury items from the brands directly. And these items are tokenized as PNFTs. These PNFTs contain all provenance and authenticity criteria.
Pierre to Dice: What is your USP and what are you bringing to the RWA tokenization/DEFI space?
Dice: We’re partnering with Japanese second-hand provisional shops. Our platform shows web2 items that users can choose to purchase and tokenize. When users pay in crypto. We buy the asset tokenize it into an NFT, and give it to the user.
Justin to Dice: Why do you need to tokenize the items if you can just buy on behalf of the customer and confirm the authenticity?
Dice: It’s easier to resell as an NFT to crypto native users.
Pierre to Justin: What kind of solution are you developing to increase the user-friendliness of your platform?
Justin: The Boson dapp offers about the same UX as a web2 app. Integration with web2 apps like woo commerce to make the platform more friendly to nonweb3 native users.
Milind: What are the marketing strategies that have worked and haven’t worked to attract users to your platforms?
Pierre: We’ve tried to market web2 way with Google ads and it didn’t work because of the web3 complexity to the users that received the ads.
Audience questions.
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